Interior Generator User Guide

 Before the tool is used, a problem may arise where the tool in the level does not respond to input, or when dragged from the content browser displays an error message and cannot build. After working with Craig the IT man to try and fix it, we determined that it is possibly a problem with Perforce or the project itself, as it works perfectly in other projects. If this happens, simply close the project, open houdini.exe and open the project again.

The corridors are controlled by a spline whose points can be moved around when selected. The parameters are then available to edit in the details panel; when these are changed, it takes a couple of seconds for the tool to recook. 

Rooms are created by adding primitives to the scene, scrolling to "room input" in the details panel, changing "geometry input" to "world outliner input", clicking "begin selection", selecting the recently added primitives and clicking "use current selection".

This will build the rooms around the primitives and provide parameters for each one. The primitives can then be moved around and the rooms will follow them. There are parameters provided to fix the alignment of beams and ceiling pieces, as the way the tool is constructed means the alignment changes based on the size of the room. 

For replacing input pieces in the "instanced meshes" section, here are the ratios, W x H, where "Any" means the user can decide:

Main wall, upper wall window piece: 1 x Any

Fill wall, window wall, door piece, upper wall: 0.5 x Any

Corners: 0.25 (pivot to edge) x Any

Ceiling curved (room): 1.5 x Any (length should be half of room width)

Ceiling flat: 1 x1 x1

Ceiling curved (corridor): 1 x Any x 0.5


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