FMP 14- Implementing Decals, Second Classroom

 I made many minor tweaks this week, but the main events were the decal materials and the second classroom. I also created a lamp blueprint so I don't have to edit each light individually and created collision for the mod kit pieces in Houdini, as they were not working properly before. 

The second room contains the remains of a ritual performed by the evil child. Most of my time was spent placing the desks and debris in a way that looks natural and chaotic. I think this room still needs more clutter, but it works well for now. I used broken versions of the desks and some knocked over
candles to add more destruction, and some scribbly decals on the walls. 

The ink/paint decals were made using a number of instances, each combining 1-3 decals from the three packed texture atlases. I wanted to use a more efficient method, such as using a single blueprint, but I cannot access the material parameters to do this. I also wanted to try using custom primitive data, but this is not a feature for decals. The peeling wallpaper does use a single blueprint; I made four instances which contain a different section of the decal and used the blueprint to allow the user to switch between them. The peel pieces were then placed for each instance, which means the user can switch between decals and the peel will match the ripped edge. I sacrificed colour variation for more efficient decals, but feedback might encourage me to change this. 

The Houdini collision was added by using collision groups, as seen in the Houdini to Unreal documentation. The concave corners do not seem to work however, as using the ucx group from the documentation deletes one half of the mesh depending on which collision group is created first. This seems like a bug to me, as collision groups should not affect the mesh itself at all. Avoiding overlap seemed to fix this, but the collision then disappeared completely. I will leave the collision on the corners off for now, and either block them with another asset or use complex collision. 

Otherwise, I tweaked some textures (mainly the decals), placed the light blueprints and improved the wear masks on the modular pieces slightly. 


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