FMP 13- Refining Environment and Creating Decals

 Due to the decline in VMWare's connection quality, I am limited to working on the final level in uni, so this week was mostly spent transferring my textures and meshes from my laptop. The clutter props are now in the level, I created a subsurface material and I added a broken ceiling piece. The scale of the level also needed to be reduced, due to time constraints and light build times. The wear masks on the walls have been improved, with more interesting dirt and edge wear and an upwards-normal based dust mask, and decals for ink graffiti/handprints, peeling wallpaper and a ritual circle are ready to be added. The windows now have their own UVs, as the wear masks did not look right on them at all due to extremely limited texture space.

I can only realistically do two classrooms, and the others were stretch goals, so I got rid of them to save build times. This was also the case for the upstairs corridor. The courtyard and library were too large for my teammate to complete within the given timeframe, so they are also reduced. 

The dirt and edge wear was not quite working on the walls, mainly because of the overlapping UVs. I refined them in Painter, and broke up the wear a bit more too. The dust just uses world normals as a mask, and will be complemented with a generic grunge map. I still need to refine the subsurface materials, as they currently look a bit strange. 

The decals are mostly drawn by our concept artist, but I have packed the ink sheets as masks and will be using the sheets as texture atlases. Because these decals are a single colour, this texture should be sufficient. The peeling wallpaper uses the old plaster texture with a mask and dirt around the edges. I can use this mask as a texture atlas and use different parts of it for different parts of the wall. The actual bits of peeling paper took a while to figure out, but I decided the best way was to make a few pieces and then vary the scale/ proportions in Unreal. I do not want to manually place these all along the wall, so I will try and make a blueprint that keeps the peels and the holes in sync. I also tiled the holes to 2x2 in order to use the sections cut off by the edge as full sections. 


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