FMP 12- EUW 2

 After finishing the mesh duplication section, I realised that I wasn't sure what else I wanted to add to the tool. I considered making a spline section which gets a spline component from a blueprint and uses this to place meshes, but this seems a bit obsolete considering the use of the duplication and houdini tools. I have added a simple LOD checker, which prints the amount of triangles in each LOD for each mesh, but I am not sure how to proceed and develop this further.

I also spent some time trying to figure out a way to make the ceiling pieces in the Houdini tool align with the wall pieces at either end, as they currently protrude out of the room's bounds. After hours of testing and thinking, I could not find a solution to this without either redoing the wall logic (which would take a long time) or adding Houdini generated geometry instead of the protruding ceiling pieces (which would probably increase cook times and decrease my ability to finish the project). I will need to therefore figure out a way to stop the light bleeding across from the expposed part of the ceiling to the indoor section, which can just be fixed with a simple light-blocking mesh if all else fails.

The rest of my time has been spent refreshing my memory on C++ and learning more about the creation of 3D objects. I mainly focused on spheres, as they require often complex algorithms, and improved my knowledge of coordinate geometry, trigonometry and algebra. 

This has been a week of low motivation, mainly due to the lack of resources and inspiration available for editor utilities, but I may just move on to a third smaller tool, as there aren't many tools big enough to fill a five week production timeline. 


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