FMP 3- Final Tool Fixes and Wood Material

 After a long and infuriating attempt at fixing the floor amount multiparm, I finally found the problem by making a copy and making tweaks in type properties. A new error message told me that a separator was getting duplicated with the same name, and changing the name to include the correct amount of #s fixed the problem. I now now that Houdini does not name separators properly. Aside from this, I worked on the ceiling placement, added fill walls and fixed various smaller issues. I took a break from Houdini to create a wood smart material, and I will be implementing the tool in the project level next week.

With the old ceiling system, the ceilings had to be the exact same width as the wall pieces, but now that I have referenced the width of the ceiling piece in a resample node the width can be any measurement. The scale can also be adjusted, but it is better if the user makes it according to the room size. The ceilings are placed opposite each other on only one axis by using a group by normals. I cannot decide which axis they use as there is no way to predict this, so I added a toggle for the user to decide. 

Ceiling direction

The fill walls were quite simple, as I used the same bounds logic to reference it in the ceiling transform and the room level transform. The fill walls give extra wall space between the walls and the ceiling, giving the wooden beams more room for support. 

Final graph

My first wood material will be used for the desks in the classrooms, and can be reused as a smart material on other assets. The reference I used shows a warm, brown wooden desk, but I wanted to increase the old, dead feeling of the room and made the wood less saturated and increased the contrast. I also added white highlights to the edges of the grain, which is a style choice I took from Little Nightmares. 


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