Viking Table 4

 The scene is currently looking slightly empty in my Unreal level, so I have decided to add a few more smaller props, mainly on the floor aroiund the table. I will also be adding fur, the base of which I have modelled using soft selection, the cloth modifier and the shell modifier. 

I have also unwrapped the previous new props, using flatten by smoothing group for the box and seam editing for the rest. There may be some errors I need to fix before texturing, as flatten tools can be unreliable. 

Texturing the table did not take long, as it is mostly the same material. Other than applying my rough wood material, I also used blurred height masks to show the slight bending of the wood where the metal was hammered into place. I also used the exposed height levels to reduce the height, as there was too many harsh, contrasting shapes. 

This diorama also needs a base, which I made the texture for by editing the shield wood and adding planks. The shield wood grains were too sparse, and needed more variation in order to be applied to an entire floor. I used numerous slope blur greyscales with different noises to give the planks some edge wear, and subtracted the straight lines again to bring back the correct structure. I also used a floodfill to random grayscale to create a mask from the planks, and used this to mask random sections of wood. I then offset the wood texture and added this into the mask areas, to limit the texture leak between planks. 


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